In the course of my work, I run across lots of useful resources on the web. You can find ones I find interesting or useful at my Pinterest account: http://www.pinterest.com/ldrtchr/ or on the Teaching Leadership Facebook page at facebook.com/teachingleadership. I'm constantly updating them, so check from time to time for new items. Perennial favorites are listed below.
- Alliance for Student Activities is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the value of student activities and provide resources, training and networking opportunities for activity advisers. www.alliance4studentactivities.org
- National Association of Student Councils has a great listing of activity ideas and resources as well as some archived articles of Leadership for Student Activities: www.nasc.us
- Canadian Activity Advisors Association provides help for advisers who are seeking assistance, ideas, and resources so that they can become more effective in their responsibilities. This excellent site has many free lessons, ideas, and other resources. www.casaaleadership.ca
- DifferenceMakers — Motivational speaker Mike Smith’s Web site has an idea swap shop with an excellent selection of forms, checklists, and articles on a wide range of student leadership and activity topics. www.differencemakers.com
- Personal Leadership Insight curriculum is built around ten PLI Essentials: vision, integrity, innovativeness, wise judgement, service mindedness, goal processing, skill assessment, emotional maturity, fostering relationships, and masterful communication. Presents great ideas, info and lessons in a well-structured, easy-to-use format. www.personalleadershipinsight.org/about.htm#curriculum
Back Pocket Leadership is a deck of cards featuring a leadership activity on one side and insightful debrief questions on the other. The 32 experiential activities include lessons on character, team building, communication, public speaking, and problem solving. Put together by Jill Esplin of Leading for Life, these cards would be a handy thing to have for quick reference to some good lessons.
www.leadingforlife.com/back-pocket-leadership-2 - Games Templates — This site has links to a wide variety of templates for popular TV game shows like Jeopardy, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Deal or No Deal, and so forth. www.murray.k12.ga.us/?DivisionID=8663&DepartmentID=8975&ToggleSideNav=ShowAll
- The Innovation Center for Community and Youth Development has produced two new tool kits to help organizations involve young people as leaders and conduct successful evaluations of community-change work. The tool kits, Reflect and Improve: A Tool Kit for Engaging Youth and Adults as Partners in Program Evaluation and Learning and Leading: A Tool Kit for Youth Development and Civic Activism, build on the Innovation Center's experience working with local groups to involve youth, build community, and strengthen organizations. For ordering information, contact the center at www.theinnovationcenter.org
- Character Counts! is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian character education framework based on the Six Pillars of Character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. www.charactercounts.org
- What Kids Can Do (WKCD) documents the value of young people working with teachers and other adults on projects that combine powerful learning with public purpose. WKCD works to connect the fields of school reform, youth development, community development, service learning, and school-to-work. www.whatkidscando.org
Looking for some inspiration?
Check out these quotes on my Quotable Quotes Pinterest board...
Homecoming Idea Place
From overall organization of spirit week to ideas for spirit days, parades, dances, and coronation, this is the spot for Homecoming ideas.

National organizations exist for just about any area of student interest. Check here for a list with contact information and websites.
State student council and honor society associations are a wealth of information, resources, and training opportunities. Check out what's going on in your state.