Leadership Logistics is dedicated to helping those who work with student leaders by providing resources, ideas, training, and other logistical services to support student leadership development.
Let us know how we can help you with your work!

At Leadership Logistics, we believe that leadership can be taught. Leadership is a combination of personality traits, skills, and experience. Two of these things can be directly influenced by a leadership teacher, student activities director, or mentor. You can’t make a leader out of a person who doesn’t want to lead, but you can teach skills and place students in situations where they can practice those skills, thereby gaining experience they can apply to new leadership situations.
Check here for links to online resources for student activities.
Fundraising Ideas
Check here for new ideas to raise money for your student activities program
Teaching Leadership
Find ideas, lessons, and resources for teaching leadership in high schools and middle schools
Expand Your Student Activities Library
Expand your professional development library with four student activities titles that are chock full of ideas for projects and guidance for advisers and their student leaders on how to plan and carry out their events. The titles include:
• Adviser Essentials: Project Planning
• Adviser Essentials: Goal Setting
• The Bucks Start Here: Fundraising for Student Activities
• Adviser's Guide to Student Activities
Order two books before October 15 and receive a third book FREE!
You'll find lots of great resources on the site for student activities and leadership class. Poke around—you never know what you might find!
From overall organization of spirit week to ideas for spirit days, parades, dances, and coronation, this is the spot for Homecoming ideas.
The tendency of one thing leading to another is one reason why educators should strive to get students involved in activities…
Rejuvenate your professional life by connecting with other like-minded educators
The Re: Factor
Adviser Resolutions
Instead of resolving, January is a good time for advisers to do things like reenergizing, regrouping, recommiting, and more.